My Life, My Job, My Career: How 5 Simple Personal Protection Equipment Helped Me Succeed

Khayrujjaman Shaikh
3 min readDec 12, 2020


welding apron

Who doesn’t want to keep themselves safe? And protecting yourself is personal protection. Special protection materials are needed for this personal protection. Which is commonly called personal protection material or PPE. These tools are: masks, glasses, aprons, etc. By using these, the user is able to protect himself from specific risks.

When should I use this PPE?

This PPE needs to be used when a person engages in a rational task. For example, this PPE is seen to be used in factory work, high building construction, welding work, car repair work, and its also use of chemicals.

PPE selection:

Choosing PPE correctly is a very important issue to protect yourself.

For example, using any type of hand gloves without considering the temperature, the amount of chemical action will not protect yourself.

The following is an overview of personal protective equipment;

01. Gloves for hand protection:

  • Cloth gloves or gloves.

Common cotton gloves and gloves available in the market protect from dust but not from sharp objects. Moreover, chemicals absorb these gloves and damage the skin, so it is not suitable for work other than sewing.

  • Leather gloves:

There is no substitute for gloves for hand protection and protection from heat. It is commonly used in construction, grinding and welding.

  • Rubber gloves:

The use of these gloves can be seen when working with chemical substances. It usually protects the hands from inflammation, burns and toxins.

  • Metal mesh gloves:

These metal mesh gloves have been seen to be used to cut fish, meat and anything.

02. Eye and face protection:

Eyes are an invaluable resource of every human being. Without eyes, this beautiful world is the base. There is no word of mouth or I mentioned. Different types of glasses are commonly used for engraving, metal cutting, lathe work, grinding spot cleaning.

03. Face Shield:

Safety goggles with face shields are used to protect our face from fire sparks, dust and splashes of any hot liquid.

  • Welding goggles protects your eyes from the purple light and protects the skin. These glasses are suitable for gas welding but not for electric arc welding.

04. Welding helmet or armor:

This welding helmet is also essential for every welder as it protects your eyes and face from infrared and ultraviolet light. Moreover, it protects against sparks or scattering of hot metal pieces. However, the degree of shade depends on the nature of the welding.

05. Body protection:

Different types of PPE are available in the market for body protection.

Some have suits, jackets and aprons to protect the whole body. These are different types, such as fireproof or waterproof.

Different types of body protection: These are usually available in polythene, rubber, yarn and even special leather aprons.

However, some aprons are resistant to chemicals, while others protect the body from being cut or torn by sharp objects.

And the apron that is important is to protect the body from the spark of fire. Especially suitable for welding and dyeing branches.

We review all the safety equipment of welding in our blog. There you will find the best and cheapest welder machines on the market, women welding helmets, welding umbrellas, welding tables and welding caps. If you want you can see our welding equipment at a glance.

I don’t want to make it bigger today. At the end of the day, I would like to say this for the purpose of ensuring the safety of everyone’s life. Save yourself first, then save others. Thanks for staying with




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